
The 101 Year Old Vet

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

It’s the way you say thank you I know you’re a vet

low from the gut and straight from the heart.

It’s the way routine determines your day,

food and time not wasted, reading the news- 

cause your eyes still can.

And it’s the way you stand tall I’d like to salute

though fuss over medals or grand stand tributes 


                                               are not required. 

It’s the way you hold a flag 

and the way you sing Glory, Hallelujah, 

low from the gut and straight from the heart-

while truth marches on 100 years later.

You don’t shoot from the hip while you form words just right 

formative days established I’ll bet- 

during W.W. II when best habits drew countries to light.

It’s the way you balance the truth with the tragic-

intentional living, 

purpose and sacrifice,

duty and service 

and justice for soldiers and all

cause war is no picnic.


And it’s the way you say, Amen, 

low from the gut and straight from the heart. 

And it’s the way the
sign of the cross punctuates allegiance

to the prince of peace

which I’ll never forget!

legacy pals

Sweet Dreams

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

Mr. O, do you remember your dreams?

Can a 103 years ever be played back?

What do you see and 

what do you glean?

Which images stick? 

Which metaphors stack?

If you could dream a decade at once that would consume 

more than a mind could rack up-

centuries of living, all kinds of nuance, 

food for some thought with our first coffee cup.

  Which years surface? 

Which memory’s are true? 


…who makes the cut in your dreams?

What color are cars from the Woodward Dream Cruise?

Am I invited there? I’ve known you long enough so it seems.

Are they dreams of peace or 

World War II?

Basic training in California you’ve mentioned a lot,

and the last Japanese soldier, 

the one shot on Atu.

No arguing whose the soldier or not.

Are you safe in your dreams, 

are you happy or blue?

“What do you dream about”? I asked one evening…

You said “Oh, just the usual, 

I don’t overdue”

Good night good sir…see you in my dreams. 

Becky’s Universal Care Plan

Written by Legacy Pal, Rev. David Mayer, dedicated to Mr. “O”                                       

Mr. O doesn’t know her but she’s an inspiration.

She trained me ya know, not on site

mostly on her back porch…

A  care giver most nurses can’t keep up with.

She only know’s Mr. “O” through my lens

which makes him a big deal in her eyes. 

And she takes care of many vets like him

because she knows the “Star Fish” story

She has radar for lost sheep 

and beached star fish!

All of which means… 


is left un-cared for.

A sixth sense for every woman and man…


And what would Becky want
Legacy Pals to know?…

…that care giving is honorable

that it takes a village to care

that dignity is possible for all

that it takes more than one to remember well

 and that the “Star Fish Story” is not a fantasy (look it up)!

She imagines care plans written by 

prophets, priests, kings and princes.

Written on back porches if necessary

because after all caring is the Gospel. 

Preach it Becky! 

Forever and Forever

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”


Prayer settles us in as we start each new day,

prayers over breakfast without any warning

especially the “Lord’s Prayer” which you like to say,.

You give us Oh, Lord, new mercies each morning. 

The routine of prayer never brings boredom.

  His kingdom comes with each syllable,

and your’e always sincere, never…ho hum!

Such faith has kept you healthy and stable-

Breathing together, unison phrases we chant

Learning your version 

which now I embrace

With both Catholic and Protestant heart we slant,

wondering which challenge today we will face

Give us this day our daily bread,

and more words never left out,

never undone, 

This is our liturgy, and our souls are well fed

while some days are tattered, some boring, some fun.

At the end I used to say “forever and forever”, 

But I also like how you say it…

Because you say NOW and forever

A small simple edit says take NO day for granted

But I may have to go back to my older version 

which is

“Forever and forever” Amen! 

Hoping you have no aversion

And I’ll remember forever, you my dear friend. 

legacy pals

The Little Red Truck Truck 

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

Poetry is like making Cadillacs out of Volkswagens 

crafting words of simple things like little red truck trucks

It’s on your window ledge let’s zoom now and again

 “vroom vroom” in your “room room”. 

No X marks the spot, but there it remains truck stuck 

and someone named Randy gave it and knew it fit

our friend and king of tokens makes giving a fine art

news, weather reports, toys and trinkets.

All boys would collect them, perhaps they should all start. 

You’ve seen a lot of cars in your hay day… 

Packards, Roadsters, Buicks and four on the floor

And your Father afforded a Model T Ford

There was a Roadster and Touring, 

Your last car was a Buick. Vroom Vroom. 

And when you drove to Florida your dad had a Dodge 

no highways but up the Tennessee mountains you’d drive and you’d lodge

The whole trip with young Isabella in moms lap well groom groomed

all packed in the car, a friendly hodge-lodge

Vroom vroom up the mountain zip zip and down again you’d zoom zoom

And we wonder, where did Randy get the tip tip 

Must be a man thing. Got one in your room room?

Vroom vroom the car sits on the ledge commanding the nice view 

Good job Randy! Your taste and timing’s a gift to consume zoom!


Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”


Dominic visited Mr. “O” four days a week 

resorting sacred memories. 

There was military videos and historical news.

And sometimes brought just himself

because Mr. “O” is a man of faith and service 

and Dominic, a man of history 

converging yesterday and today. 

Two individuals, alive and well

with Dominic’s unique sense of mission -

looking back at more days and memories 

then the average person can count or fathom 

which is a lot of numbers. 

Dominic is not average…

neither is Mr. O!

legacy pals

I’ll Wear My Mask For You 

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

I’ll wear my mask during pandemics

It’s not about HIPPA, OSHA, or FEMA

And it’s not a gimmick nor academic

Says CDC and Wikipedia

I will protect your longevity, life at all costs 

not just a pal but your one advocate 

today’s caution for now for tomorrow’s not lost

with you in the mix, and your right to make it 

So I will fight, fight, fight for your long life to live

prayers for the unborn, pro-life for the aged, 

without objection and no one protest will I give

without barking or bite or entitled privilege 

I’ll wear my mask for you because 

this virus is ugly and tough.

I’ll wear the face shield without any fuss

or the soldier who risked HIS one life for us

Can we save one more year or just one single day?

Will caution pay off?  Can more days be won? 

Try though we must cause sacrifice pays

so we’ll rally once more to rise with the sun.

legacy pals

The Ants

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”

Oh no!  Are they back? 

hardly here yet, 

but at our other place

little pesty ants had their daily knack,

Old as dinosaurs but not wise like you Mr. “O”

How DO they get in? 

Must be Nancy. 

She loves everybody she knows, 

Of the 10,000 known species which ones are they?

Mr. “O” you don’t keep such inventory

Though you wonder why we haven’t seen them for so long

Neither pal nor foe, but a curious song

No lungs, no ears, and some have two stomachs

and they’ll swim in our coffee if we let them 

or they’ll sleep in your hammock

till they hibernate.  Nocturnal mayhem! 

Careful not to leave food around especially sweets

because they have a sweet tooth like you Mr. “O”.

But not like you, they over do it, they love their big treats. 

gorging little pests ya know.

You never say a bad word about them

until the poison traps lure the masses on in

Then you’ll wipe them away like left over crumbs

because the State won’t let us spray the little runt bums,

“Just part of the program” 

you say in your own special rant, 

In your world there is a solution for everything…

….even the Ants

The Court Yard

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”                                         

The view of the court yard is changing

we’ve watched it for some time now

Can you imagine? 

More than 20 fickle Michigan seasons!

“What is it going to do out there today?”  You would often ask 

Dew and ice mattered.   Whatever clung to the roof 

and two trees which were distant are nearly touching now

That's what happens when growth occurs. 

No wonder the African Proverb says…

“The axe forgets: the tree remembers”!

So home sweet home, you call it, with a pretty good view.

People come and go as you greet them there.

Uneven brick paths but you find balance and solace

You’d sleep there if you could.  So would I.

If birds have memory, I’m sure they would remember your smile. 

It’s hard to see the center through the trees

but the park bench beckons 

for those who will return

It always smelled nice and we will remember you well there

we won’t be alone where you made your mark, 

cause you made us feel at home… 

and that’s what court yards are for!

The Pleasure of a Nap

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”

Oh, the pleasure of a post lunch nap. 

Once you laid down and sighed.

“What’s wrong”  I gregariously yapped.

“Nothing.  It’s just the pleasure!”…you replied 

Mr. O’s Out-Door Bench 

 Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”


It’s a destination beyond the courtyard

this longer walk on the east side

the bench faces east, the sun reflects in your eyes

we have arrived when we get there

Now the walk back.  Sigh! 

More than 600 paces to be sure, but that’s not the point

…so many sights and gifts to remember 

spring birds, a new born fawn…metro nature!

You earned it.

it took months of pestering administrators to get this bench

I guess you are in their budget now. 

you earned it.

And your name on the plaque marks the spot

“Mr. O’s bench”.

 A simple token from Randy’s grab bag

you earned it

Why, anyone over 100 who walks that far has earned it

and benches should be named after them. 

This quiet spot on the property

makes the bench’s name sake genuine 

Dominic Is Back

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

He’s back.  Dominic’s back and he’s here to see you

Look up!  Hip hip hurray! 

You have friends in this life, oh yes you do, 

It’s time to laugh and be friends today

He’s brings along smiles to cut you some slack

He’ll call on a whim cause he’s got your good back. 

He’s back with the crazy baseball replays

Cause you are priority and baseball’s necessary 

Back with his good ol young demeanor that God gifted him

back with goodies and stories and manners and grins- 

such as the Detroit Tigers hat he gave you for Christmas

Gifted people like Dominic know something about us

They get it , they give it, they pay it forward 

They know that the gift of presence comes from the Lord 

That’s why he comes back, That’s why he makes calls.

And during the virus, he appeared at the window 

more than ten times all in all

Your best days during the pandemic, indeed… 

those days you both shined. 

Full of hope, connection, 

no more daily grind. 

And the promise of a faithful friend he will be

For this particular friend he’s more than handy. 

He’s reliable, constant, and his friendship is thick, 

That’s our dear friend, our young Dominic. 


Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”                                       

You rally when we remember well

illuminating yesterday’s stories 

while conversation picks up

eyes open wide and a healthy appetite.

Then they catch you smiling as we stroll into exercise class- 

or music time 

happy to see generous bones rally.

Rain or shine you rise and shine. 

The ball game’s on “let’s watch it” 

win or lose, you rally… 

Go Tigers!

Once you even pulled your floor bike out 

without prompts as if to say …

“Let’s remember longer.”  How long? 

God only knows. 

Memories can sustain tomorrow and I’d like be there

so I’ll rally tomorrow 

just like you did today.

The Pest That I Am

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”

At meal time I say “do your best”

Oh the pest that I am 

as your eyes say “give it rest”. 

and you need water grams

 So we push the liquids, for good health we are proud!

And the daily golden rule ends the day


For if the caregiver has his own way

you’ll always be safe.  Yes, safe and so sound.

Where’s the left hand pad? I

s the right hand pad in?

“Oh don’t be a pest” you say with a grin

Oh the pest that I am, my nagging gets tough.

“That’s what they pay me for”, a slogan borrowed

Which brings you a smile enough 

to last till tomorrow


By Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“0”                                           

Marge brings communion on Thursdays

a reliable weekly visit 

Even on holidays

sharing a sacrament

She brings visible signs of an inward grace 

that’s what Marge brings…

not just an orthodox medicine

not just Catholic practice

not just going through the motions

more signs of life and sustenance than the eye can see

more food than the mouth can taste

and more of her self bringing life giving updates

Giving this day enough bread for tomorrow. 

And the Spirit is here 

a consistent, holy practice all these years

that’s a lot of bread

a lot of grace

a lot of Marge 

A lot of hands

prayer after prayer

and layers of gratitude

And Christ is among us!

Way To Go Mr. “O”

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr.“O”

Way to go Mr. O!  Look at you, go get em go.

The PT’s and the OT’s they all know your story

Still trucking and going…way to go Mr. O!” 

Praising your effort, though you don’t want the glory. 

They’d work with you daily if Geri could let them

and they smile when the beach ball flies in the room.

It means you’re awake when you catch them

Your range of motion and efforts they groom 

“Use it or loose it” you say with such ease,

your range of motion, your work their proud rage

Not tit for tat though you’ll aim always to please

reciprocal glances, as you turn each new page.

Your smile…their reward, their wink…you’re approval

Your steps moving forward, their praise…your renewal

Your balance…and safety,  their atta boy thank you

Hard work not yet hasty, and slowing your food chews.

Their respect through the years, your gate…their trophy, 

Your presence… our tears, 

Your soul… 

God’s Glory!

Home Sweet Home

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

Home sweet home is what room 221 is.

You say it when you enter your space 

Home sweet home has pics of Beatrice 

 Not just a number but your very own place. 

A handsome frame of a soldier flanking the nook

with enough power to bring back the past

There’s really good reason to stop and take look

at the medals of honor which will linger and last

And a view of the courtyard and Spring’s warm fresh face

A peaceful quarantine, yes we can make it

Seven times in a month changing rooms with such grace

Still the master of this house, fear not pandemics

A place for the mind to stretch far and away 

so giving thanks for one room is not at all odd

for rituals, solace, and rest everyday

grateful provision from our loving God

Lunchtime Legacy Pals 

By Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer and our lunch time crew                                           

What a special motley crew we had

There was Herald who watched over Mr. O.

no one falls with friends like him around, 

and our ears perk up… 

while stories from Mrs. Kitner unfolded the soup got cold. 

Alexandria’s antics made care takers happy

as she gestured because her friends mad it safe and sound.

Andy Netty would agree even on bad days

and oh, the singing of Katie, beautiful Katie (It’s from the 1920’s ya know) 

gospel for at least a generation, 

have YOU sung it? You should!

Lorraine wouldn’t have it any other way even though it was hard to get there 

and she looked up to Mr. “O” who set the pace 

And then Randy, the poet sublime stopped by 

  to sit, whisper and sing to Dory.

He brought secret little things from his grab bag-

stuffed bunnies, Christmas penguins, cards-community essentials 

 And his poem honored Miriam, and news for Allie


 and L’chaim for all                                                     

Then Nancy, the consummate care taker

brought us all together, multi tasking

because nurturing matters.

Food, listening, laughter, and breaking bread. 

Is it any wonder why Jesus fed the masses. 

Just one small community with words and bread alone 

can fuel one’s weary gate 

and range of motion-

and vision for tomorrow!

Exercise Class

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”                                       

Counting patterns of ten, let’s go!

We count because THEY count and everyone matters.

Sometimes 5 people or more, once there were 20

A sea of smiles, nods, and effort

the right amount of movement reps. 

if you don’t use it you lose it and more

And some count sheep as they nap or stretch

“1,2,3,4” they’re still with us!

Watching Mr. O set the pace, 

but not jealous, 

coveting no bones of others

We’ve come far since Jack LaLanne

How nice to see healthy flourishing-

“5, 6, 7, 8”  let’s make our muscle tone great, again

like Dr. Jagyasi says, remember, 

“motivation gets you moving, but determination keeps you going”

“9, 10”

let’s do it again!

To Me It’s Personal

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”                                           

To be it’s personal! 

not just someone's company slogan. 

becoming a Legacy Pal requires a certain touch

the kind of touch where the other is subject, not object.

The kind of pals a compassionate world should offer

because to me it’s personal.

Two by two and not distracted by three.

And something happens when it's Pal-time...

Nurses would call it “routine”

family would call it “relief”

doctors would call it “professional”

administrators would call it “good”

because to me it’s personal.

What would you call it? 

Children would call it natural 

and Jesus would call it gospel.

I just call it a privilege 

because to me, it’s personal.

When It’s time to Sing

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”

Some words are like auto pilot, 

they come flooding back and you haven't forgot, 

Some words need to be brushed up 

Yet they linger on the tongues cups…

…while you hold your accurate gentle sweet pitch

And your eyes glimmer as you sing them just right

which makes us curious, so much fun

Who was there, and which decade begun?

What car were you driving?  Did Beatrice sing too?

How about Marie, Claudia, Walt, Geri or Bill?

Was it on vinyl, eight track, or an old video? 

You’ve seen as much technology come here and go.

And the lyrics are timeless even when notes aren’t just right 

Like, the blues by Sinatra… “That’s Life” 

When Nancy joins along look out because 

the Canadian National Anthem rings out

She’ll probably join the eternal chorus with her vigorous shouts

I will audition for a spot and for any reunion to tout

with Miriam on piano and too many voices gone to name

The Redwood lunch crew, Evergreen’s… Hall of fame! 

Remembering Well

Written by Legacy Pal Rev. David Mayer for Mr. “O”                                       

Mr. O is easy to like

and he will be hard to forget

because there is SO MUCH to remember well.

He is uncle to many with little regrets-

With his youngest sister, Isabelle, still with him

the trips from Michigan to Florida and back

BEFORE interstates were built

the winding mountain roads made the family dizzy.

Pacific World War II time 

and he remembers being glad to be home. 

A great career and Beatrice his wife, so cherished

Who lives so well this long? 

103 years, so much to recall-

so whenever his end draws near 

we will go to his beginning 

remembering good things in between 

and there won’t be time to recall most of them

but some of the best will surface.

Giovannie de Sadeleer says it better than I…

“Even if you forget, I will remember for the two us”

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